
Dense Learning based Semi-Supervised Object Detection

Published in CVPR, 2022

This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.

Recommended citation: Binghui Chen, Pengyu Li, Xiang Chen, Biao Wang, Lei Zhang, Xiansheng Hua. "Dense Learning based Semi-Supervised Object Detection. " CVPR, 2022. to appear

PRNet++: Learning towards Generalized Occluded Pedestrian Detection via Progressive Refinement Network

Published in NeuroComputing, 2022

This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.

Recommended citation: Xiaolin Song, Binghui Chen, Pengyu Li, Biao Wang, Honggang Zhang. "PRNet++: Learning towards Generalized Occluded Pedestrian Detection via Progressive Refinement Network. " NeuroComputing, accepted, 2022.

Interactive Self-Training with Mean Teachers for Semi-Supervised Object Detection

Published in CVPR, 2021

This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.

Recommended citation: Qize Yang, Xihan Wei, Biao Wang, Lei Zhang, Xiansheng Hua. "Interactive Self-Training with Mean Teachers for Semi-Supervised Object Detection. " CVPR, 2021.

Virtual Fully-Connected Layer: Training Large-scale Face Recognition Dataset with Limited Computational Resources

Published in CVPR, 2021

This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.

Recommended citation: Pengyu Li, Biao Wang, Lei Zhang. "Virtual Fully-Connected Layer: Training Large-scale Face Recognition Dataset with Limited Computational Resources. " CVPR, 2021.

Patterns of Weber magnitude and orientation for uncontrolled face representation and recognition

Published in Neurocomputing, 2015

This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.

Recommended citation: Yinyan Jiang, Biao Wang, Yicong Zhou, Weifeng Li, Qingmin Liao. "Patterns of Weber magnitude and orientation for uncontrolled face representation and recognition. " Neurocomputing, 2015.

Spatially Adaptive Logarithmic Total Variation Model for Varying Light Face Recognition

Published in IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2013

This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.

Recommended citation: Biao Wang, Weifeng Li, Zhimin Li, Qingmin Liao. "Spatially Adaptive Logarithmic Total Variation Model for Varying Light Face Recognition. " IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems , 2013.

Two-Stage Block-Based Whitened Principal Component Analysis with Application to Single Sample Face Recognition

Published in IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2012

This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.

Recommended citation: Biao Wang, Wenming Yang, Weifeng Li, Qingmin Liao. "Two-Stage Block-Based Whitened Principal Component Analysis with Application to Single Sample Face Recognition. " IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems , 2012.